Hand Planes
Hand Planes are used to create a smooth finish on wood. They consist of a sharp blade that shaves off thin layers of wood when pushed across the grain. Whether you're removing saw marks or leveling joints, a hand plane helps achieve a polished surface. When working with rough or uneven wood, hand planes help flatten and level the surface. Hand planes allow woodworkers to shape wood precisely. By adjusting the blade depth and angle, you can create bevels, chamfers, and curves. After power tools have done the heavy lifting, hand planes come into play for final smoothing. They can remove any remaining imperfections, leaving behind a silky surface.
SKU # 9961
SKU # 521-0021
SKU # 521-0022
SKU # 521-0000
SKU # 521-0001
SKU # 400-2130
SKU # 521-0002
SKU # 521-0033
SKU # 521-0050